The agency is delaying lump-sum payouts of back benefits amid the pandemic
Receiving Social Security benefits on someone else’s earnings record.
What’s the best Social Security claiming strategy for a married couple where the husband is 67 and the wife, who has no earnings history of her own, is 65?
An audit shows many retired widows and widowers are due higher survivor benefits
Even though plan sponsors are offering easy access to retirement accounts, few workers have taken advantage of that
Could I stop collecting my retirement benefit, switch to my survivors benefit and then switch back to my retirement benefit at age 70?
Newly eligible individuals can apply online, but some older workers who lose their jobs can’t
Clients 66 and older can request a lump-sum payment and still earn bigger future benefits
The plunge in oil prices is expected to eliminate any benefit increase for next year
As experts revise the 4% rule — to 3%, or even lower — advisers should look beyond traditional investments and include all household assets in retirement income plans