Celebration over terrorist's death turning to concern about attacks by al-Qaeda cells
Templeton fund manager plans to plow another $250M into Turkish equities
I'm sure a number of you have been keenly following the World Cup matches as they play out across South Africa.
Legendary investor called his shot in 2009 -- and was right; sees more gains ahead for BRICs, frontier markets
Milev says rise in price of crude boosting country to No. 1 choice among emerging European markets
Stocks in U.S., Europe outpacing ermerging market equities for first time since 1998; 'skies are bluer'
Emerging markets remain red-hot among investors, but rather than just making a broad sector bet, advisers should look for specific and strategic exposure to these economies as a way to minimize risk and take advantage of sweet deals.
Pimco boss says country's high savings rate, repatriation of overseas capital will help country overcome disaster
With volatility in the financial markets creeping up last week in the wake of the unrest in Egypt, this is not a time for knee-jerk investment decisions, according to money managers and market analysts
As the crisis in Japan continues to unfold, some worried U.S. investors have turned to their financial advisers for reassurance that the market won't suffer a 2008-like decline
Money managers are divided on whether the tragedy in Japan marks the end of the global bull run — or the start of a new buying opportunity
Probably not, although when paired with other recent disasters, carriers' pain could be chronic
Money managers' interest in international markets wilting as U.S. growth take center stage
Investors not bullish on Japan, but pour record amount of money into Nikkei anyway; 'oversold'
Markets like Taiwan offer under-the-radar investment opportunities
Pacific Investment Management Co. hasn't seen redemptions from Asia investors following last week's earthquake in Japan, Chief Executive Officer Mohamed El-Erian said.
Firm's International Fund has 23% of assets in Japan; 'high-quality companies'
S&P's move will raise borrowing costs for world's most-indebted industrialized nation; 'fire is lit'