The product appears to be the first retail fund that the Boston-based institutional manager would provide.
The $40 million fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in stocks of large cap companies that meet ESG criteria determined by the portfolio managers.
A Schroders study, which surveyed more than 23,000 individuals globally, found people seek sustainable investments for multiple reasons.
The active fund will be subadvised by Ninety One North America and will hold about 25 global 'environmental companies' in its portfolio.
A survey published by Calvert Impact Capital found that 94% of advisers said they would like to see more impact products on the market.
Radicle Group specializes in carbon credits and helping clients reduce emissions.
Aquantix's climate-risk models use artificial intelligence to assess physical risks for about 500 million residential and commercial assets.
The Nuveen Global Net Zero Transition ETF seeks to decarbonize by engaging with high emitters.
Samantha Trebesch previously led the firm's private client group strategy and planning team.
The actively managed mutual fund uses both proprietary and third-party ESG ratings.