What investors see in the low-margin DC record-keeping business
The COVID-19 crisis will make some employers more open to PEPs, but the recent hit to the economy could mean slow uptake for those plans
It's getting harder for advisers who don't specialize in 401(k) plans to dabble in an industry littered with regulatory and legal land mines
Retirement plan advisers should heed the implications of the deal
But only if retirement plan advisers lead the way
There are opportunities in the defined-contribution world in the wake of the pandemic
Data may be the new currency for the defined-contribution plan industry, but a common format to share information about plans and participants has faced hurdles
The handling of the pandemic provides plenty of examples of how to build (or lose) client trust
Plan participants' lack of savings is increasing their reliance on loans and distributions from DC plans
Valuations might have peaked in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, but deals are still happening