Money managers at both firms say U.S. financial instituations can weather gathering storm in Europe
The Fed says it will begin swapping cheap short-term debt for cheap long-term debt, all in a bid to boost the flagging economy. Says one economist: 'It's a modest step.' But the Fed's admission of a potential long-term slowdown has caused <a href=>a drop in stocks</a> around the world.<br> | <b>Extra</b> <a href=>The latest odds on another recession</a>
Worst performance for Pimco flagship fund since at least 1995; 'way too much ... of the underperformers'
Famed stock-picker says corporate earnings will trump troubles overseas; 'teenagers still going to buy iTunes'
Bank of America analysts predict large-cap benchmark could drop as much as 21% before reaching floor
State cutbacks and end of stimulus could add up to disaster, Nobel laureate says; pegs odds of worldwide recession at 50-50
NYU professor Nouriel Roubini is worried again. This time, Dr. Doom says that without immediate 'massive stimulus,' the world is headed for a replay of the 1930s. And in that scenario, stocks are 'going to hurt big time.'
Fears of second economic downtown driven by fears, not fundamentals; 'bad things have not happened'
Plosser sees central bank raising interest on fed funds before mid-2013; 'inappropriate policy at inappropriate time'
S&P's single-notch lowering of the U.S. sovereign debt rating was seen as a big blow to the Treasury market. Instead, worries about default on government debt has investors clamoring for -- yep -- government debt. The result? In an auction this week, taxpayers saved $647M.