With the year-end salary and review process approaching, now is the perfect time to revisit your firms' human-capital strategy.
After several difficult years, financial measures across the advisory industry have turned positive
The vast majority of financial advisers see technology as critical to driving growth. And 73% of the advisers who responded to the <i>InvestmentNews</i> <a href=http://www.investmentnews.com/article/20110411/INCR/110419987>RIA Technology Study</a> rated their return on investment for technology spending as medium to high.
Respondents to the recent <i>InvestmentNews</i> RIA Technology Study overwhelmingly (95%) rated technology as either “critical” or “absolutely critical” to the success of their business
Top-performing advisory firms, on average, have more than one owner, pay those owners better and seem to be getting more from those owners in terms of management skill and engagement.