Blame the temporary reduction on higher Medicare premiums.
Many people in their 70s represent the last hurrah of the traditional image of American retirement.
Average costs could exceed Social Security benefits in the future; a 65-year-old couple could spend as much as $400,000.
Software is available that gives advisers a fighting chance of determining long-term care costs and the need for insurance.
Payroll tax contributions exceed lifetime benefits for most workers.
Payroll tax contributions exceed lifetime benefits for most workers. <i>(Hear Mary Beth Franklin <a href="" target="_blank">answer advisers' questions on Social Security</a> today at 4 p.m.)</i>
Improved 401(k) plan features have proven successful, but a big challenge remains: how to plug the leakage in plan assets when workers switch jobs.
Benefit reductions apply only to workers who did not pay FICA taxes.
The brief golden age of retirement is over, but investing legend Charles Ellis outlines solutions to a potential crisis.
Two-thirds of states and Washington now allow same-sex marriage, opening the door for spousal and survivor benefits