The regulator makes it a top priority for 2017, establishing an exam unit to ferret out rogue brokers and scrutinizing how firms supervise them.
DOL says it promoted tools it found useful, including a link for finding local CFPs, but is open to hearing from other designation sponsors.
The elephant in the room is the Labor Department's fiduciary rule, but other areas include broad health care and tax reform.
Agency provides a litany of questions for consumers as well as FAQs on technical compliance for advisers. <i><b>(More: <a href=""" target=""_blank"" rel="noopener noreferrer">Want to see additional questions? Check out InvestmentNews' list</a>)</i></b>
The business interest group would like the new administration to halt and then replace the regulation that requires advisers act in the best interests of clients in retirement accounts.
With Republicans and the industry holding sway in 2017, the SEC might push through a less-stringent regulation &mdash; perhaps simply elevating the current suitability rule.
Republicans have put regulatory reform &mdash; and rolling back Obama administration rules &mdash; at the top of their agenda in the new session of Congress.
The agency's Division of Investment Management provides guidance on how to communicate changes to sales loads that level compensation for brokers.
Jay Clayton, who specializes in securities transactions at law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, would likely serve as a "capital-raising facilitator dealmaker," according to a former senior enforcement counsel in the SEC Miami office.
Bills to expand the pool of investors eligible to buy unregistered securities, make it easier to put annuities in 401(k)s and stop a Treasury Department rule changing estate valuations are likely to be revived.