Banning short sales not only doesn't calm markets, it makes them choppier, a new study has found.
Middle-class taxpayers likely will face a wide swath of tax increases in the years ahead, according to economists at The Brookings Institution.
State securities officials are lining up against congressional proposals that would create a systemic risk regulator for the financial industry, fearing that it will pre-empt their power.
Investment adviser Hennessee Group LLC and its principal, Charles Gradante, have been charged with securities law violations by the SEC for failing to perform an advertised review and analysis before recommending Bayou Management LLC hedge funds that were later discovered to be a fraud.
Two members of the Senate Banking Committee today called on federal regulators to implement an emergency freeze on credit card interest rates.
The government's Public-Private Investment Program — designed to remove bad assets from bank balance sheets and promote lending — will help turn around the economy in the short run, but perhaps not long-term, according to financial advisers.
Requiring annuities or other fixed-income products be included as an option in 401(k) plans is being considered by the House Education and Labor Committee, said Rep. Robert Andrews, D-N.J., chairman of the committee’s Health, Employment Labor and Pensions Subcommittee.
Lower fees for defined contribution retirement plans are related to factors such as the size of the plan, higher contribution rates by employers and employees, and greater use of automatic enrollment.
Individual citizens should be allowed to invest in the Public-Private Investment Program, which is aimed at removing toxic assets from the balance sheets of financial institutions, according to the chairman of the House Subcommittee on Capital Markets.
Legislation to tax carried-interest compensation at ordinary income tax rates instead of lower capital gains rates was reintroduced today by Rep. Sander Levin, D-Mich.