More than 30,000 non-traditional ETF transactions, totaling approximately $1.7 billion, were carried out by Oppenheimer representatives, according to the regulator.
Plus: Don't hold your breath waiting for normal interest rates, the minimum wage truth, and it takes some luck to become super rich
Are investors making a huge mistake in thinking ETFs are somehow more liquid than their underlying investments?
Wrong vote in 2013 on Dell proxy costs shareholders.
Central bank policies showing signs of exhaustion, investment giant says.
Equal-weighted index beats S&P 500 by most in three years.
Fund giant offering financial advisers a tool for evaluating the funds that adheres to the 2013 guidance from the Department of Labor.
June has been a good month to do something besides invest in the stock market.
Plus: Don't make these mistakes with closed-end funds, the sleeping risks in auto loans, and when leaving at 7 p.m. on Friday is perk
<i>Breakfast with Benjamin</i> New research suggests that some tech-crazy millennial investors are moving beyond the robos to work closely with human financial advisers.
The best performing fund was iPath's exchange-traded note (OIL), which pumped out a cumulative 81.9% gain.
Investors yank money from stock funds in time to miss May rally.
Global fixed-income ETFs attracted $60 billion through May 25 and are on pace to exceed annual record of $93.5 billion in 2015.
<i>Breakfast with Benjamin</i> Paying attention to how stocks trend between August and November could be a giveaway for which party's candidate will be elected president.
S&P 500 falls for first time in March, Treasuries rally
Exclusion for qualified stock will be a big draw for investors to reconsider C corps.
<i>Breakfast with Benjamin</i> Instead of timing the market, how about investing in time? Specifically, really expensive watches.
<i>Breakfast with Benjamin</i> Small caps have started to outperform, and it might be connected to the Fed's downward revision on 2016 rate hikes.
In addition to risks and returns, advisers need to worry about moral and ethical issues