Hedge funds — facing forced margin calls and investment redemptions — are selling off wide swaths of their private-equity-type investments in search of cold hard cash.
One William Street Capital was founded by David Scherr, who worked for Lehman for 21 years.
Municipal borrowers plan to pull at least $21 billion of bonds out of auction rate securities by May 1, Bloomberg reports.
The firm is responding to criticism that ratings firms underrate municipal debt relative to corporate bonds.
A cap on fees for Class C mutual fund shares looks like it will make its way into a rule on 12(b)-1 fees.
During last year's fourth quarter, 288 new funds were launched and 154 funds were liquidated, according to HFR.
Lipper Inc., responding in part to investors' increasing appetite for sector, target date and international funds, is revamping its fund classification system.
It soon may become easier for mutual funds to invest in exchange traded funds, but industry experts are divided as to whether funds will rush to invest in a product that is sometimes depicted as a competitor.
The mutual fund industry's push for raising taxes on exchange-traded notes may come back to hurt the industry when it asks Congress to defer taxes on mutual funds, the ranking minority member of a House Ways and Means subcommittee said.
In a bid for higher returns amid a dismal stock market environment, some mutual fund companies are offering investors access to high-risk private-equity investments.
Carlyle group's David Rubenstein looks to help investors that suffered losses.
The New York-based hedge fund manager’s new public entity will be called has $11.5 billion in assets under management.
The size of the exchange traded fund market shrunk by $12.9 billion in February, falling to $557 billion in assets.
CFIG, a privately held European insurer, was downgraded today to A+ from its former AAA rating by Standards and Poor's.
The Greenwich Global Hedge Fund Index rebounded in February, jumping 2.21% after January’s drop of 2.79%.
The Fed announced it would lend $200 billion of Treasury securities to bond dealers, causing a stock market spike.
Charles Schwab is the most recent mutual fund company to introduce a lineup of funds designed to generate a targeted annual payout for retirees.
The stock market downdraft may soon ignite consolidation among small mutual fund companies.
While mutual fund companies and brokers are enthusiastic about a proposal to simplify fund prospectuses, they object to the idea of filing quarterly performance and holding updates, according to comments filed late last month with the SEC.