With the return of spring each year, we here at
InvestmentNews gain renewed faith in humanity when we begin our collaboration with the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation on the Community Leadership Awards.
These awards were established eight years ago by Invest in Others to recognize and celebrate financial advisers across the country for their exemplary leadership and contribution to philanthropic efforts. The awards pay tribute to the generosity of advisers and their dedication to making the world a better place.
Every year,
InvestmentNews enjoys the privilege of working with Invest in Others to judge and support the Community Leadership Awards.
If you know advisers who are making a difference in their communities, I urge you to share their stories by submitting a nomination form. The deadline is April 23.
Nominations are being accepted in the following categories, the first two of which are new this year:
The Catalyst Grant will be awarded to an adviser who has been a stimulus for positive change, and displayed entrepreneurial vision and leadership in his or her organization, for at least two years.
The Lifetime Achievement Award will be given to an adviser who has an established history of distinguished service and has made a profound contribution to his or her organization. This adviser has exhibited leadership and provided inspiration, as well as gained recognition and respect from peers and the community, over a period of a decade or more, helping the organization evolve and creating a lasting impact on its future.
The Community Service Award will be presented to an adviser who has made managerial contributions to a local nonprofit organization as a fundraiser, organizer, board member or other executive position.
The Global Community Impact Award will be presented to an adviser who has served as a volunteer with a charity whose primary mission is to help those who live outside the United States.
The Volunteer of the Year Award will be given to an adviser who has volunteered at one or more local nonprofit organizations and made a contribution considered to have had a lasting impact.
Invest in Others will make a donation of $20,000 to each of the winners' designated charities. A $5,000 donation will be made to each of the finalists' charities.
Invest in Others to learn more about this year's Community Leadership Awards and to submit a nomination.