Mary Beth Franklin looks at the Government Pension Offset, which can can turn retirement planning upside down.
Tax experts just getting their hands around wrinkle in 2012 tax law.
Rich hit by double-whammy of higher taxes, capped exemptions; advisers smacked, too
Bid to lower exemption after January deal unexpected; advisers sitting tight for now.
Plenty of confusion over the interplay between disability and retirement benefits.
Advisers await Supreme Court's landmark decision
Waiting to claim at 66 escapes benefit claw back, but not taxes
Proposal would more closely align treatment of partnerships and S Corps
Retirement payout from non-covered work can wipe out a spousal or survivor benefit
One adviser's visit to the local bureau was easier than expected; there's hope
Safeguards to prevent identity can also prevent users from setting up online accounts
Morningstar research confirms prudence of patience in collecting Social Security
Older, lower-earning wife means couple has fewer choices
Maxing out benefits requires some homework
More than one spouse? Pick the highest benefit
Looking for clarity in the fog of confusion when claiming benefits
A happy ending for financial advoiser who wanted to set up an online account
But don't expect to collect a spousal benefit in the interim