Limitation on property tax deduction boosts the state's pitch to finance executives living in New York, Connecticut.
Unofficial estimate would be largest increase since 2012, but retiree costs are growing even faster.
The law uses the tax rates applying to trusts and estates, rather than parents' income, to determine the tax on children's investment income.
Tax-free status reflects fact that investments are held in an insurance vehicle.
The law uses the tax rates applying to trusts and estates, rather than parents' income, to determine the tax on children's investment income.
Cut in the corporate tax rate makes state and local government debt less attractive to financial institutions.
Employment and demographic trends are disrupting the 20th century safety net.
But will those tax savings lead to lower expense ratios?
Workarounds to avoid federal limits on state and local taxes in some states could be considered tax evasion.
But one year of higher health care costs may be worth it to lower RMDs and taxes in the future.
Allan Holeman failed to disclose three IRS liens totaling $157,000.
Shifting business structure, changing filing status and spinning off equipment are examples of ways business owners can take advantage of the deduction.
Tax overhaul's doubling of the estate-tax exemption to $22 million has generated interest in the trusts
More than half of those surveyed have not yet created an online Social Security account
A change in the tax law could now help both parties.
Reviewing key deadlines with a group of friends at age 64
The tax reform law's two significant changes to the way taxpayers deduct interest on loans related to their home both contain exceptions
Workers' age and marital status determine their claiming options.
State will let homeowners declare property taxes as charitable donations.
New analysis quantifies the effect on Medicare premiums and Social Security benefits.