A long-held stock market selling rule may not apply this time around.
Report explains why various calculators produce different results
There is still time for investors to help fulfill their philanthropic passions and also reduce their tax bills.
A 2016 IRA contribution can also be recharacterized in 2017, meaning changed from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, or vice versa.
Clock is ticking on trust fund insolvency that could result in future benefit cuts.
Long durations, low credit quality spell trouble.
Ruling could have implications for other advisers in independent broker-dealer channel.
Shareholders typically don't like paying taxes on income they haven't received.
After a seven-year bull market, few funds have offsetting losses to reduce those gains. Expect the biggest distributions from small-cap funds.
New rules require weighing claiming strategies against competing income goals.
Lower incomes and fewer assets in savings plans lead to problems in retirement.
Philanthropy has its advantages.
Some advisers rely on the Affordable Care Act to insure themselves and employees, and now fear that it could be repealed or substantially changed.
Plus, the strategy can help reduce required minimum distributions and cut taxes.
Two sets of benefits exist for ex-spouses depending on their birth dates.
From regulation to tax and entitlement reform, these are the central decisions that will affect financial planners and clients in the years to come.
What's useful for clients in terms of planning is also good for business development.
Cross border financial planning can help, but it's super taxing to emigrate.
If Republicans were to win a repeal of the so-called death tax, contentious Treasury regulations on business valuation discounts would also disappear.
There are some variables under clients' control that they can use to bring down their total Medicare costs.