A CEO of one of the independent brokerage shops told me a story the other day.
The Bad Advisors and outright crooks always grab the headlines; time to strike back.
If it happened to Federer, it could happen to you
In the lexicon of regulatory reform, “harmonization” is a key word.
In my <a href= http://www.investmentnews.com/article/20090716/REG/907159988>last column</a>, I provided an analysis of the income guarantees from a life-only, immediate annuity versus the likelihood of running out of money if you kept your retirement savings invested in the markets. I received a lot of comments on that column, and I thought I'd respond to several of them.
Can you keep that "culture" intact with so many changes happening within the organization?
Hold onto your books. Because Management is not what is used to be--Or will be.
Microsoft's latest operating system will become available to advisers and the rest of the world Oct. 22. The system will grace the shelves of retailers in all its shrink-wrapped glory, but most folks will be buying it pre-installed on new desktop or laptop PCs. Experts believe that the buy-it-installed route is the way most users,
By definition, prudence involves the exercise of skill and good judgment in the use of resources. It is a core fiduciary duty.
The Four Remaining Wire Houses Will Succeed or Fail Based on How Well They Address These Three Things
Top earners are being given a major reason to look elsewhere
Wow, I read this morning that Merrill Lynch has already started aggressively hiring trainee Financial Advisors
Veteran recruiter Danny Sarch kicks off his exclusive <i>InvestmentNews</i> blog by debunking what passes for conventional wisdom in the world of broker and adviser hiring.
With the decline in the stock market over the last year, there is renewed interest in lifetime income guarantees for retirees. So, does it make sense to annuitize retirement money or roll the dice with market based returns?
An investment fiduciary's duty of loyalty demands that the investor's best interests guide the decision-making process.
The BRIC group — Brazil, Russia, India and China — for a number of years has functioned as a proxy for large developing markets with an attractive long-term return potential.