Hardly a day goes by that I don't receive an e-mail from <i>InvestmentNews</i> readers about strategies on how to claim Social Security.
Average life expectancy merely an average, not a timetable
Parents can trigger benefits for kids, delay collecting their own
With taxes on the wealthy expected to rise dramatically, a small but increasing number of Americans are renouncing their U.S. citizenship. Is this smart planning or plain crazy? Advisers weigh in.
Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, on Friday proposed a way to bolster retirement savings at work, plus a series of improvements to Social Security.
GOP hopping mad that issue is left out of Senate Democratic bill.
Convincing a client to delay taking Social Security may be a hard sell. But a little math shows why it's very good advice. IN's retirement expert, <b>Mary Beth Franklin</b>, runs the numbers for you.
A Tax Policy Center study has estimated that in 2015, Romney would need to eliminate $320 billion in tax breaks, or 30% of the total, to pay for his proposed 20% reduction in tax rates.
Election could be big loss for those with capital gains
President promises to shoot down bill extending Bush era tax cuts for wealthy; does not augur well for HNW clients
President Obama on Monday announced he wants to extend the Bush tax cuts for middle-income families -- for 12 months.
The latest Brinker Barometer survey shows that most advisers want this term to be Obama's last
A Virginia couple who donated their house to local firefighters for a training exercise can't deduct the property's value from their federal income taxes, a divided U.S. Tax Court has ruled
The answers can prove pivotal in setting up an investment program for clients, says professor
Founder of hedge fund firm Harbinger Capital Partners last year settled a probe by U.S. regulators by admitting improperly borrowing money from his fund to pay his personal taxes.
Even the Yankees, Sawx rivalry carries over to owners' prexy picks